
Common questions from First Time Buyers

Thursday 4 May, 2023

Are you a first time buyer wanting to take your first step onto the property ladder?

If the answer is ‘yes’, you may want to watch our latest Thomas Oliver Podcast – CLICK HERE to view it.

This episode is dedicated to answering some of the questions that first time buyers regularly ask our Mortgage Advisers.

1) What are the costs of buying a house or a flat?
Daryl from Exeter asks.

2) How do I find a property to buy?
Asked by Daisy in Derby.

3) How long does the process of buying a house take?
Mohamed asks the question from Walthamstow.

4) Can I negotiate on the price of the property?
Fatima in Manchester raises the question.

5) What is a leasehold property?
Haringey based Hassan wants an answer.

6) How much deposit do I need to buy a property?
Posed by Elizabeth in Cardiff

7) What is a decision in principle? (DIP)
Danny in Harlow would like to know this.

8) Is it important to have a good credit score?
Zara in Glasgow sent in this.

9) How will my car loan and credit card commitments impact on the amount I can borrow?
Nottingham based Luke needs an answer due to his financial situation.

10) What insurance is mandatory to have in place when getting a mortgage?
Victoria from Southampton is needing first time buyer mortgage advice.

11) What discounts are available to a first time buyer?
Sam, located in Stevenage, is a first time buyer wanting to know this.

If you are a first time buyer looking to buy and you need specialist mortgage advice, speak to a Thomas Oliver mortgage adviser.

First Time Buyers Q&A

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