Pension Flexibility

Retirement means different things to different people. To some it’s time to put their feet up and relax while to others it’s a time to get out and about and enjoy life to the full. Retirement planning is an important part that helps you reach your aspirations later on in life.

Professional service and highly recommended to my friends and family. I have received every details of my application and requests. Katherine Mumford was amazing and is excellent with her works. Really happy with the outcome and looking forward to work with her again. Thank you :)

Mrs K, Mortgage & Protection Advice Customer, Tottenham

We provide a comprehensive and bespoke Financial Advice service that analyses your investment options, specifically based on your ambitions and risk profile. We keep up-to-date on the market trends, policies and financial regulations ensuring the latest investment options will be analysed and presented to you. This tailored approach ensures that each investment made best suits your individual aspirations.

We have seen that more and more customers seeking ways to have some flexibility with their retirement plans. There are now a number of differing types of pension options available, which can provide this flexibility. There are options that provide a defined fixed income for your retirement and there are some that may fluctuate as the market conditions change – they can go up or they can come down.

Here at Thomas Oliver we have the experience and the Financial Experts on hand to ensure you have the right combination of financial products to see you through your retirement. As Appointed representatives of Openwork Limited, one of the largest networks of financial businesses in the UK, we are able to access products from prominent and well known providers of the various Pension Products available. This access to the market helps us to provide exactly the right retirement solution to meet your specific needs.

It is important to remember that the value of your investments and any income from them may fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed. You may get back less than you invest.

For expert Retirement Advice contact Thomas Oliver

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