Thomas Oliver and Kings Group sponsor Magical Taxi Tour charity event
Tuesday 8 October, 2019
Thomas Oliver and Kings Group sponsored two taxis as part of the Magical Taxi Tour event, so that sick children who have a range of chronic illnesses and sometimes life limiting conditions could spend three days in Disney® Paris.
According to the Magical Taxi Tour website: ‘This amazing convoy, can be over three miles long when running and consists of 90 plus taxis, City of London Police escorts, Gendarmerie Nationale, London Ambulance NHS Trust vehicles and AA breakdown trucks. Organised annually, by the Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers, this event is only possible with the help of our sponsors who generously give toward the £1,400 per taxi necessary to meet the expenses of hotel, fuel, food, admission charges etc. The taxi drivers naturally give freely of their time and use of their vehicles.’
Debbie Bell, Financial Services Director, Kings Group LLP, Thomas Oliver’s Sister Company, said: ‘This is the third year that Thomas Oliver and Kings Group have supported the event and this year we sponsored two taxis to take sick children and their family on holiday. For many of the children this is a lifetime trip that they will never forget, as their condition means they are unable to go on normal family holidays without medical support. The Magical Taxi Tour is a fantastic charity and Thomas Oliver and Kings Group LLP are proud to be part of it. The next Magical Taxi Tour will take place from 2nd to 4th October 2020 and starts at Canary Wharf, London with a ‘big breakfast’ for children and their helpers.’