Thomas Oliver sponsor Magical Taxi Tour 2018 to Disneyland Paris
Wednesday 7 November, 2018
Thomas Oliver was delighted to again sponsor one of the cabs on the 2018 Magical Taxi Tour charity event that took place between the 28thand 30thSeptember.
This is one of London's most unique charity events. It takes place annually and involved a convoy of licensed London taxis taking over 200 children, on a three-day trip to Disneyland Resort Paris. The children have a range of chronic illnesses and sometimes life limiting conditions.
According to the Magical Taxi Tour website ‘Organised annually, by the Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers, this event is only possible with the help of our sponsors who generously give toward the £1,400 per taxi necessary to meet the expenses of hotel, fuel, food, admission charges etc. The taxi drivers naturally give freely of their time and use of their vehicles.’
Debbie Bell, Financial Services Director, Kings Group LLP, Thomas Oliver’s Sister Company, said: “Thomas Oliver is delighted to be able to support the Magical Taxi Tour again this year and we are pleased that all Thomas Oliver advisers contributed to this wonderful event. The Magical Taxi Tour is a very special charity that helps sick children take a break from treatment and this year the children enjoyed a three day break in Disneyland Resort Paris. These families can make this trip as medical support is available throughout the holiday on the Magical Taxi Tour. The event brings moments of great joy and happiness to sick children and offers ‘a once in a lifetime trip that they will never forget.’ The convoy included up to 90 taxis and the convoy stretched over three miles when running.”